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The KPFT Sessions

Discover the Intimate Magic of KPFT Sessions

Step into the Spotlight with KPFT Sessions, where your music takes center stage in an intimate, acoustic setting. If you're looking to showcase your talent in a stripped-down performance that captures the true essence of your artistry, KPFT Sessions is the perfect platform for you.

Why KPFT Sessions? Authentic Acoustic Performances

KPFT Sessions is all about bringing your music to life in its purest form. We focus on acoustic performances that highlight the soulful essence of your songs. Our close-knit, conversational atmosphere is designed for singer-songwriters and acoustic duos, allowing you to connect deeply with your audience and offer a personal musical experience like no other.

What We Offer: A Platform for Genuine Expression

Each KPFT Session is up to 45 minutes of pre-recorded performance, later aired with minimal editing to maintain the authenticity of your music. We preserve the raw and unfiltered essence of your performance, letting your music speak for itself. Plus, your session will be featured on our KPFT Sessions YouTube channel, giving your audience a chance to revisit and share your music anytime.

Keeping It Acoustic: Emphasizing Originality

Our sessions keep it simple and true to your sound—only stringed instruments, no drums, and no electric amplification. This is all about showcasing the pure, organic tones of your music. We also focus on original music, so bring your unique songs and let your artistry shine.

How It Works: Your Performance Spotlight

You'll perform three of your original songs during the session, capturing the essence of who you are as an artist. Then, take it a step further with a fourth song that's exclusive to YouTube. This final track is where you have the freedom to break the rules—you can perform a cover song or bring a piece that isn’t clean for radio play. Use this exclusive moment to fully engage your audience, plug your social media, share where they can find your music, and promote any upcoming shows. It’s your chance to connect with your fans on a deeper level, giving them something they won’t hear on the radio.

Recording Schedule: Join Us on Wednesday Mornings

We record on Wednesday mornings from 9:45 AM to 11:45 AM, creating the perfect serene environment to capture your live acoustic performance. This dedicated time is all about you, with a focus on creating a memorable session that truly represents your artistry.

Interviews: Share Your Musical Journey

Each session includes interview segments where you can discuss the stories behind your songs and share your musical journey with the audience. These interviews add a personal touch, giving your fans insights into your creative process and allowing them to connect with you beyond the performance.

Be Part of KPFT Sessions

KPFT Sessions is more than just a gig—it’s your opportunity to showcase your talent, share your story, and reach new listeners. Our YouTube channel amplifies your reach, featuring your performance and exclusive content. If you're an artist ready to share your music with the world, fill out the submission form below and join us for an unforgettable session.

Let’s Make Your Music Heard

Whether you’re an emerging artist or a seasoned performer, KPFT Sessions offers a unique opportunity to showcase your music in an authentic, acoustic setting. Step into the spotlight, share your songs, and connect with a community that values genuine musical expression. Let’s make your music heard—on the airwaves, on YouTube, and beyond.

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